Apparently it's in the water...many of my friends are either pregnant or cuddling their precious newborns....I started thinking about all of the little babies that have just recently made their appearance and I couldn't help but smile! There is just something so incredibly heartwarming about pregnancy and birth! It has been a busy busy baby year not only for many of my amazing friends but also for my family as well!!! Here is a quick baby forecast...
My Beautiful niece Andrea made her debut on July 5th, this picture does not do her baby blue eyes justice....
My best friend Courtney gave birth to her miracle boy Wyatt on July 19th...9 weeks early! He is now a little over 12 weeks old and too cute for words!
My best friend Alison is expecting her 2nd baby boy...Mason will be making his debut in late November...Alison is almost 35 weeks fabulous does she look?
My sister, Katie, is expecting her 3rd child and her 1st boy...after a girl streak for our family it looks like the boys might be making a comeback!!! Elijah Michael (Eli) will be arriving in late December! OH and my sis just got engaged too...celebration overload!
AND...if my forecast is correct...last but most certainly not least....
My very very best friend Nicole is expecting her FIRST baby...Baby "F" will be arriving in mid-April (Happy Birthday to me) Nicole has been a very busy girl over the past few years, ya know becoming a pharmacists and all... so we are all so incredibly excited for her (and her hubby) to be blessed with this amazing addition to their family...Baby "F" is one lucky baby!!!
As for us...we are pleased to announce that we are NOT pregnant LOL...but we are incredibly happy for all of these amazing additions! Although many people think that there is some sort of time line that I MUST follow once I have my first baby, we most certainly do not feel that there is any rush and we are perfectly content with this little miracle...