It's a manic Monday here mainly because that is how I would describe this's going to be all over the place but that is how I do it!
This morning while dropping Aiden off at school I realized 3 things:
1. I couldn't get out of Aiden's classroom fast enough for I tried to say goodbye to him I noticed he was checking himself in while having a conversation with a little girl...pretty much ignoring my desire for another goodbye kiss.
2: Every morning we walk into school with multiple cute little lady voices saying "Hi Aiden"...who is that I say..."I don't know" he responds. I didn't realize it started so early!
3: I am no longer Teresa...I am officially "Aiden's Mommy". "Hi Aiden's Mommy" "That's Aiden's Mommy", "you're Aiden's Mommy"...Yes, I most certainly am and I am proud of it!
I was a crazy women today...ok so that is most days but really off my rocker today...I had the ladder out, lightbulbs were being changed, batteries in the smoke detectors changed, Easton's crib was lowered...yes, his new favorite things is STANDING...bought blinds, rearranged furniture and then the usual laundry, meals, cleaning...and I had a sweet little helper...
I ate my whole lunch today while it was hot...THAT NEVER HAPPENS...this is what my boys were doing while I actually enjoyed my lunch...
I spent some time at the spa this weekend! My amazing neighbor texted me last week with a simple message..."we are taking your kids next Saturday and you are going to do something for yourself". So I went ahead and scheduled a massage...
It was very weird to be in a place that was so quiet...NO KIDS...hmmm I wasn't quite sure what to do with myself!
If you know nothing about deployments and kids I will let you in on a little secret. One of the many things that I am responsible for is making Leif look like a ROCKSTAR...I mean he is awesome but it is my job to make sure the kids feel like he is still involved in the day to day or even the week to week. This is a lot harder than it sounds. I make the rules, I enforce them, I plan the days, I run, I play, I snuggle, I provide physically...But Daddy still needs to be "here"...So every so often Daddy "sends" gifts...and by sends I mean Mommy goes to the store, fills a box with things that Aiden really wants and then I put it on the front porch...Add that to my list of things I did today...
I wish I were as cool as Daddy...He knows EVERYTHING!!! Lucky for Leif I don't mind giving him all of the credit! It's part of the "job"...although I had to chuckle when Aiden said "mommy, did you do this for me" boy! One day he will read this but I doubt he will ever really grasp all that I would do for him :-)