Sunday, November 9, 2014

A night away...

Life has been really crazy for us lately...between weddings and the events associated, the sudden death of a family member, my moms extended stay in the ICU and work for both the hubby and I...I felt like every weekend was go go go and never really spent together as a family enjoying quality time.  
We decided to make a last minute trip the Great Wolf Lodge.  Of course about an hour after we booked our trip in Thursday, this happened...
We spent a long night at the hospital and because Aiden didn't respond to the local area anesthetic and to avoid torturing him anymore, he was put under IV sedation.  6 stitches later we were headed home and in agreement that the show must go Saturday morning we were off to the Great Wolf!  
I only have a few pictures but we had a wonderful time...we spent most of the time at the water park, then went to the arcade, made our way around the hotel while playing the Magiquest game, had a yummy dinner and then called it a night in  "the Wolf Den"...

On Sunday we woke up, did a little bowling and played a few more games...
It was so nice to not be on a just hang...let our kids make the rules...and soak up every giggle!  We definitely need more weekends like this!

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Full hands….

I have really been missing blogging lately and I hope you have been missing me too!  I actually get emails asking for another blog which is really flattering and exciting!  This little blog is just what is going on in my mind, my heart, and my life!  I have been so so busy with my new business but really want to make time for EVERYTHING I enjoy in life…is that possible???

The thing I enjoy the most is my family!  My kids and husband top that list!  Growing up I didn't have a strong family unit and it is something that I really want for my kids!  I am not sure where the downward shift in parenting occurred but I have been on the receiving end of some "looks" and "comments" while out with my kids and it leaves me wondering why people are so turned off….here is just one of my stories…

The other day a girlfriend of mine and I were out with our kids.  A total of 4 of them…2 each…certainly not the poster child for procreation but definitely the antithesis of abortions and no children families!  We walked in to Jimmy John's for a quick bite before heading to the park…GASP...taking our children out in public, actually spending time with them and not placing them in front of a TV or game system all day must be against the law based on the looks we were getting!  Not to discriminate but the looks were coming from "older" individuals.  People who surely, if they were willing and able, had children and possibly grandchildren of their own!  As we were standing in line I felt like someones stares were burning a hole in me.  I turned around to see an older gentleman with his eyes locked on me…I ignored it, placed my order and turned around to see him glaring at me.  In true Teresa fashion I shot him the biggest smile I can muster to prove to him that his glares do not bother me….he mumbles under his breath and looks away!!!  I grab drinks and walk by his table and give him another smile as he says "don't you think you have your hands full"…I am not saying this is a negative comment but it certainly didn't seem like an encouraging one….what I wanted to say is "what's your point" but what I said is something that I had carefully crafted when I received this comment often while Leif was deployed.  "I do have my hands full…and they are full in the best way possible"…He didn't say a word and I continued on.  As I picked up my order I turned around and there he was…super close with an indescribable look on his face…."you are right" he said.  "Excuse me?" I said…."you are right, your hands are full in the best way possible"  He then went on to tell me that he was from San Diego, the best city in the world he added, but his grandkids live here…."So guess where I live?" he said!  You guessed it….HERE.  Close to the grandkids!
I think he knew that his looks were judgmental and in fact, so were his comments, but he was sure to tell me this…"I like how you said that.  Your hands are full in the best way possible.  You are right.  I never thought of it that way but I agree".  I certainly stood a little taller when Aiden climbed from one booth to the next on the nasty floor, and Easton took a huge bite of food and then spit it on the table!  These boys keep me busy, the keep me active, they keep my hands full but most importantly they fill my heart and my life with more joy than I could have ever imagined!!!  Everyday isn't easy but everyday is definitely worth it!!!

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Reclaiming me...

***This is long, wordy, and a little personal...but it's the truth...the only way I know to tell it!***

So deployment is over, daddy is home and life is back to normal...right???  Well, one of the things that people don't tell you is that with all of the excitement of having your spouse home there is also a period of readjustment... For Leif...and for me...and it's hard!  What???  He doesn't come home from a 9 month deployment with rainbow farts, the romanticism of a trashy novel and we all don't just instantly click and live happily ever after in a farytale???  Bummer!
Once Leif got home we spent several weeks traveling, reacquainting, having fun and following no schedule.  But that's not life, not reality, and not the norm.  There came a time when we had to get back to reality, put our kids to bed at a decent hour, follow some sort of discipline structure, get back to work, and resume our life.  However, life was different.  Daddy had been gone for 9 months and mommy had been in charge.  The boys and I had a routine, a system and an understanding of sorts about what was expected, allowed, and possible with only 1 parent.  Aiden had responsibities, he had learned to be patient with me and was such a huge helper.  In a way, Easton also knew I needed his patience, and seemed to be patient with me and my limits as well.  Bedtime was fluid, consistent, and manageable.  I had developed a system for everything that needed to get done and I knew I was the only one that was going to do it.  The boys, the house, the dog, the bills, the cars, the friend and family relationships and everything in between was up to me.  The truth is that I felt powerful, fulfilled, essential and completely in control.  I felt valuable...and then I didn't!!!  You read that right, with Leif home, I suddenly felt useless.  I stopped making decisions, stopped working out, stopped eating healthy, stopped being in control and stopped feeling valuable.  I didn't value my role in the family and I felt that now with Leif back, others didn't see my value anymore.  My "job" at home was no longer respected and I was left feeling lost.  Things at home changed big time...there was more laundry, more to clean up, more people wanting my attention and even less time alone.  Aiden still struggled with separation anxiety, Leif felt guilty disciplining the boys, and adding another person to our routine proved to take a lot of time to get right.  
Don't get me wrong, I love having my husband home so you can imagine my guilt when I felt like him being home had caused my useless feeling.  I knew that I had to reclaim me.  I did a lot of thinking and soul searching.  I got myself back on a schedule for me.  I was putting everyone ahead of me and it was taking its toll.  About a month ago I was approached about an opportunity that I thought could be a chance for me to really have something of my own...after a lot of thinking and prayer I went for it.  I started my own business through Rodan and Fields and haven't looked back since.  Trust me, most people weren't supportive.  People will always have something negative to say and I heard it all...the people I thought would be my biggest supporters weren't...including Leif!  But here I am less than 30 days in and now Leif is fully on board.  He can't believe how much success I have already had!  To be honest, I have loved every second of it.  I was nervous about putting myself out there!  I didn't know if I would have the time or the interest but I have realized that this is something for me.  I am building something for me and for my family!  It makes me feel good, makes me feel valuable, and shoot, it is making me look good too  Win-win!  I have been loving the products but most importantly, my friends and family are loving them too!  Phew!  I feel like in some ways that I am back!!!  I am in control and I am making ME one of my priorities!
I am a firm believer that happiness is a choice...I lost that for a moment!!! Our transition wasn't as smooth as I thought it would be but at the end of the day we came out on top and dare I say...better than ever!!! 

Workin out...

I am one of those odd people that truly enjoys working out.  There are certainly days that I don't feel like working out but I can honestly say that I have never regretted my workout once it was complete.  I have enjoyed "fitness" since I was little.  I seriously wore sweatbands all of the time.  Do you need proof??
So....with that being's my point!  Growing up, although I was very involved in sports, a healthy lifestyle was not a priority in my family.  My parents weren't active and didn't eat well.  I grew up with a terrible body image and it is something that I don't want my kids to think about.  I want them to find the joy and the fun in being healthy and being active.  Whenever I workout at home I encourage them to participate and Aiden has now joined crossfit kids at the crossfit gym I go to.  It is so awesome to see his excitement and passion for working out...

Even Easton likes to get in on the action...

My hope is that I can pass my love of working out onto my kids and that they will see the value it brings to life and good health.  So far, both boys seem to love it.  They emulate what I do, model my movements, and put a bar or kettle bell in front of them and they know exactly what it's for!  When talking about good food I try to instill in them that healthy food makes you strong...I don't emphasize "too many carbs", getting fat from food, etc...I never say the word diet nor do I say I work out to lose weight!  I want them to know that working out is for so much more than appearance.  I want it to be part of their lifestyle...
I want them to know that Mommy is strong...just like Daddy... and that investing into yourself and your health should always be a priority!

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Weekend fun...

We hit the road this weekend to attend our nieces 3rd Birthday party.  We hadn't seen Leif's brother in a while so it was really awesome to get together.  They have a 5 year old and a 3 year old so the kids all had a blast together.  Aiden and Elijah are about 9 months apart and they are truly 2 peas in a pod.  They quickly bonded and spent the rest of the day playing, swimming and being wild kids!
We tried to get a picture of the 4 cousins but that proved to be a challenge...
And the winner was....
We also managed to sneak a picture of the brothers with their kids...

While in town we stayed with Leif's best buddy Phil.  Their son Ryan is about 6 months older than Easton...these 3 boys were a trip...
I was also able to sneak in a little mother daughter times with my momma...
I bought my mom a little early birthday gift...she was so pumped to have her very first pair of designer sunglasses...
We had a very busy but also very fun weekend!  It was so good to see so many people and hope to have some visitors at our place very soon...hint hint!

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Birthday party fun...

The summer birthday party train chugs on and we have 3 more parties to document...
Sisters, Lilly and Paige were both born in May so their mommy held a super fun joint party at the pool.  The kids had a great time making sand necklaces, eating pizza, and squirting each other with water squirters...
Mot and Daddy fueled up for party #2...
Birthday number 2 was at theottle gym and it was a blast!!  Choo Choo Landon turned 2 and we had lots of fun watching the kids run amuck...Leif and I were dreaming of early bedtimes until we saw the Oreo ball that Shandi made...the rest of the day we pretended that the 8 (or so) Oreo balls were completely part of a balanced diet...
Next up was a big boy party hehe...Micah, or as Aiden would say, Mr. Micah turned another year older so why not feed all of the neighborhood kids ice cream and give us parents a reason to have a beverage on a "school" usual, Tara had it all set up way in advance and everything was perfectly planned...
The following week we celebrated our best bud Jackson's birthday...Aiden and Jackson are best buds so we wanted to do a little something extra for him...Jackson was turning 5 and that is a big deal...according to Aiden, your life really begins when you are 5 so we wanted to commemorate The beginning of Jackson's "adult" life with a little surprise at school...
We often talk about raising our kids with a kind giving do you possibly teach a 4 year old that giving is just as fun as receiving...this may need its own blog but in short, I believe that kids learn this over time and in the words of my wise friend Tara, they learn by watching us parents "Model" having a giving heart...after surprising Jackson, and seeing the joy on both kids faces I knew that we had made a step in the right direction..
We needed the weekend with Jackson's actual birthday party...karate anyone????
Jackson's party was ninja turtle themed...Aiden HAD to wear a power ranger short...however, daddy and I followed the theme...
Seriously...we are all just big kids at heart!

Happy Birthday Friends...