Monday, October 25, 2010


When it comes to documenting Aiden's firsts, I think I am slightly bordering on crazy.  I write down almost everything and I attempt to have photographic evidence of these once in a lifetime moments.  My mom could probably guesstimate some of my firsts but as for pictures...I think there are maybe 10 of me from birth to age 10.  Leif's mom has more pictures but she only kept a good record of her first son and I would say that is something that is pretty common with second children!  Aiden is my first and I understand that I don't have more than 1 child to worry about so you don't have to point out to me that this will be different with my second...I am fully aware which is why I didn't have irish twins!
Now to my point...this weekend we had a halloween party (future blog) and we had a "pumpkin hunt" for the kiddies!  Inside of the pumpkins were lollipops and little spider rings.  The kids did an amazing job of finding all of the pumpkins.  Aiden (and Buddy) were all over the place looking for little pumpkins and with the help of Momma, Daddy, Nana and Pops Aiden found 6 pumpkins!   But the real discovery was the lollipop!  For those of you that know me, you know that I am very strict about what goes in Aiden's mouth for 2 reasons.  Reason #1 is that he has a severe milk and egg allergy and you would be shocked what is "hidden" in the foods we eat that could literally send my boy into anaphylactic shock.  Reason #2 is that I think healthy eating habits start now...if he doesn't know what candy is how can he turn down yummy veggies and say "candy"?  However when my sweet little boy found his pumpkin and pulled out that lollipop and put it right in his mouth wrapper and all I figured what the heck...let the boy take a lick!  So I grabbed my camera, opened the wrapper, and let my boy have a treat!  He took a few licks, gave Buddy a few licks, and that was it...he was OVER it!  PHEW!  The moment lasted all of 30 seconds but these pictures will last a lifetime!

Really?  I can have this?

The first lick!

Want some Buddy?

1 comment:

  1. These pictures are priceless Teresa. Just think, when Aiden is a famous ?, He will have all of these pictures. I love the pictures, keep them coming!
